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Tips to avoid fraud and spot scammers

Tip 1: Only purchase from top-rated sellers

Pay close attention to the seller's feedback information before you decide to make a purchase: a good seller will have good feedback and good reviews.
These reviews are all written by buyers, so they are often a good guide to the seller's customer care.

We also recommend buying from Top Suppliers, because they achieve this rating because of buyer feedback.

How The Feedback Score Works

A seller's Feedback Score is the sum of all points earned by Star Ratings.
4 or 5 Stars = 1 point
3 Stars = 0 points
1 or 2 Stars = -1 points

Tip 2: Use the price as a guide

If the price is too good to be true, it almost always is!
It is too easy to get scammed if price is your only criteria.
Remind yourself when you make a decision, how can the seller offer such a low price?
The answer is inevitably leads to more questions than answers...

Be careful when buying name brand products

Name brand products sold at extremely low prices are mostly fakes.
All name brand products are protected by their manufacturers and therefore there is almost no way to buy them at these unrealistic prices.

Tip 3: Don't confirm delivery until you receive your order

Make sure you only confirm delivery after you have received your order and are satisfied with it. If you are requested to confirm delivery by the seller, inform them that your order hasn't arrived. If they continue to ask you to confirm delivery, contact us.

Once your order has arrived, please check them carefully before confirming delivery in My AliExpress.

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